Plastic surgery
aimed at correcting
flaccidity in the arms

know more about
this procedure


From the age of 30, the natural process of tissue aging begins, mainly caused by the decrease in collagen production. This process causes the whole body to begin to lose elasticity, resulting in sagging. In the arms, excess sagging and fat located in the lower part of the forearm causes the effect called “bat wing” or “goodbye deformity”.

Brachioplasty or arm lift is the surgery that corrects these aspects by removing excess skin and localized fat. This surgery can bring not only aesthetic but also functional benefits, given that, in addition to greater self-esteem, quality of life is gained, because the complexes of wearing sleeveless clothes are abolished and there is no longer friction capable of causing diaper rash.

Degrees of arm sagging:

There are three degrees of arm sagging and, therefore, the treatment varies according to the degree.


This degree of flaccidity, as it is still very light, can only be treated with treatments such as Ultraformer III and biostimulators at the same time to reinforce skin elasticity. The treatment consists of the application of focused macro waves that stimulate collagen production, causing the skin to regain its natural firmness.

Each session takes approximately 1 hour and 4 to 6 sessions with intervals of 1 month between them may be necessary. The tensor effect gradually improves until it reaches its maximum point 3 months after treatment.


In these cases, there is even a good level of firmness, but due to excess fat the skin sags and the forearms acquire the shape of a pendulum. In these situations, without leaving scars, we can remove excess fat by performing liposuction. After surgery, the skin retracts, but a few sessions of UltraFormer III can be performed to further improve skin firmness, or even remove excess skin.


In these cases, excess skin flaccidity is associated with excess fat. The fat will be removed with a liposuction, but the excess skin has to be removed with a brachioplasty.

Brachioplasty consists of an incision that goes from the armpit to the elbow to remove all excess flaccid skin and localized fat. Therefore, this intervention is recommended only in very extreme situations, as the surgery leaves a longitudinal scar on the inner face of the arm that is difficult to hide. These scars fade over time, becoming more and more subtle, but they never completely disappear.

In brachioplasty, in addition to removing excess fat and skin on the arms, the armpit fat that is visible outside the bra or clothing is also removed.

Brachioplasty : What else you need to know about the surgery

Brachioplasty takes approximately 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. This surgery does not require hospitalization and recovery takes between 1 and 2 weeks, after which the stitches will be removed.

Immediately after the surgery, elastic compressive sleeves are placed and must be used for a period of 20 to 30 days. During the first few days you may experience some discomfort that will be treated with analgesics, local drainage, scar massage and elastic compression. Scars become significantly less visible after 1 year.

You can resume work after seven days, as long as the work activity does not require physical effort. In cases where the work requires effort with the arms, you will only be able to return to normal activities after a month.

As in all surgeries, before performing a Brachioplasty, it is necessary to carry out tests to detect any situation that may prevent the surgery.

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Duration of procedure

2 hours

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Type of anesthesia

General anesthesia

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Hospitalization period


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Low period

15 days

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Period without sun exposure

1 month

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Period without physical exercise

1 month

Common questions

The price of brachioplasty varies depending on the condition of the arms. Only through an evaluation consultation is it possible to identify which will be the most suitable procedure and the corresponding budget.

With proper care, the scars become clearer and, in some cases, quite subtle, but they will always exist.

As a rule, it is not a painful surgery as the arms are compressed in elastic sleeves in the postoperative period. It is yet another disabling surgery given that, for a week, he cannot make wide movements or strength with his arms.

Postoperative lymphatic drainage is necessary and mandatory 2 weeks after surgery or even earlier if indicated by the doctor. At Clínica Baptista Fernandes, all drainage sessions are included in the cost of the surgery.

In a first phase, the scars are quite visible on the inside of the arm. After a year or a year and a half, they get the color of stretch marks, going unnoticed, but like any scar, they never disappear. Skin care, before and after surgery, influences the final result of scarring.

The outcome of the scars depends on several factors. However, drainage and massage, compression and the application of creams help a lot to significantly improve the final appearance of the scar. But, the best of all treatments will always be time.

The doctors

Under the direction of plastic surgeons Dr. Fátima Baptista Fernandes and Dr. João Baptista Fernandes, an unavoidable nickname in the specialty in Portugal, the Clinic integrates a team of specialists from the most diverse areas who offer numerous skills related to aesthetic medicine, aesthetic treatments and plastic surgery.

Dr. João Baptista
Dra. Fátima Baptista
Let's score
a consultation?
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