When was the last time you exfoliated your skin? Over time, the skin begins to accumulate dirt made up of excess dead cells, traces of make-up and cosmetic products and pollution. As a result, the pores are clogged and the skin is impermeable to treatment creams and serums, which shows the signs of aging. That’s why exfoliation is essential to keep the skin healthy and, in this sense, Dermaplaning is the ideal treatment.
Dermaplaning is a technique that consists of removing, with a blade, in a completely painless way, the superficial layers of the face and neck. This procedure removes dead cells and superficial hair, promoting a series of benefits, such as cell renewal, improved skin texture and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne reduction, pore unclogging, more shine and luminosity. and greater permeability of the skin to the products applied to it.
Dermaplaning consists of three steps. The treatment is performed by a plastic surgeon in the office and is done without anesthesia as it is a non-invasive and completely painless treatment.
Firstly, a deep cleaning of the skin is carried out with AHA – alpha hydroxy acids, that is, glycolic acid in soap. Then, BHA – beta hydroxy acids (liquid salicylic acid) is applied. These acids will start the chemical exfoliation process, helping to promote the sloughing of dead cells and allowing you to reach deeper levels of the skin.
Before starting the procedure, a cream or oil is applied to facilitate the sliding of the scalpel. Then, the doctor will remove dead cells and superficial hair from the face by manipulating the scalpel over the skin.
After removing the superficial layers of the skin, a soothing mask is applied (it can be hot or cold) enhanced with LED therapy lights. Then apply a moisturizing cream with a protection factor of 50+.
Dermaplaning is a very quick and simple procedure and can be done once a month with a minimum interval of 21 days between sessions.
In terms of pre-treatment care, we highlight the need to discontinue the use of alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and retinol for at least 5 days before treatment to avoid skin damage. Treatment also cannot be done with active acne or open wounds. If you are being treated for acne with isotretinoin, you should wait at least 6 months after you stop taking the medication. You should also avoid shaving so as not to irritate the skin.
In addition, despite dermaplaning being a very simple treatment, it has rules that must be followed and taken seriously to obtain a satisfactory result and avoid the appearance of lesions or spots on the skin. The rules are:
- Avoid direct contact with the sun for the first 48 to 72 hours: the epidermis is a barrier that protects the deep layers of the dermis from external agents, such as pollution and sunlight. Therefore, at this time the use of a hat and sunscreen is mandatory.
Note: After Dermaplaning removes the epidermis, healthy cells are exposed and the body sees this as a trauma, hence producing more cells, ie fibroblasts that produce more collagen: this is the secret of the effectiveness of exfoliation. By lowering the first line of defense, we are promoting the production of constituents that rejuvenate the skin. Therefore, throughout the recovery process, the sun should be avoided, as sun exposure will damage cells that no longer have the protective shield of the keratotic epidermis. - Use recommended sunscreen daily: Not all protectors are beneficial. Some have synthetic chemicals that are toxic or fail to work when exposed to excessive heat. The ideal sunscreens contain zinc and are dual-spectrum, that is, they protect against both UVA and UVB. The protector must be used at all times, even if it is just to get in and out of the car.
- Discontinue use of exfoliating agents for one week: agents with AHA such as glycolic acid or BHA such as salicylic acid, agents with microbeads or enzymes will further exfoliate the skin which can cause PIH (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation), redness, dryness and peeling.
- Do not remove skin fragments: After a few days after having done the treatment, it is normal for the skin to peel slightly and this skin should come off naturally. When you pull a piece of skin that is falling off, you also pull other pieces that are not yet loose, which is harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the skin with warm water and soap, so that the skin loosens naturally.