Intimate Female Surgery:
Plastic surgery aimed at
correcting several aspects
of the female genital area

know more about
this procedure


There are congenital or acquired malformations in the female intimate area that can bother or even generate psychological disorders in women, disrupting their sex life and even their day-to-day life. From lip hypertrophy to vaginal canal relaxation, female intimate surgery is the most appropriate procedure.

Intimate surgery or vaginal surgery is understood to be the set of plastic or aesthetic surgeries that are carried out in the woman’s genital area. These surgeries are performed in a few hours and have a quick recovery.

Surgical Treatment - Female Intimate Surgery

There are at least four types of female intimate surgery, each of which is aimed at correcting a different aspect. The female intimate surgeries are:

labiaplasty, nymphoplasty or labia minora plasty

The hypertrophy of the labia minora is characterized by the abnormal growth of the labia minora, causing them to exceed the labia majora, causing discomfort during the sexual act or even when wearing certain clothes or Play sports. Although it is not considered a health problem, it can cause a lot of discomfort and damage to the mental health of the patient, who sometimes develops complexes due to the appearance of her vulva.


This surgery, which is the most common surgery within female intimate surgery, consists of reducing the labia minora, also called nymphs, hence the term nymphoplasty. Surgery consists of removing excess skin from the labia and clitoral hood, if necessary. It is a simple surgery that lasts approximately one hour and is performed with sedation or local anesthesia.


Labiaplasty or Plastic surgery of the labia majora

As in the case of hypertrophy of the labia minora, when the labia majora are oversized, in addition to the unwanted aesthetic effect, physical and emotional discomfort can occur. Thus, as in the case of correction of the volume of the labia minora, the surgery is equally simple and quick, and consists of removing excess skin with sedation or local anesthesia.

In cases of patients whose labia majora are poorly developed, it is possible to increase their volume by injecting the patient’s own fat. That is, a small liposculpture of the lips is performed, in which fat is removed from another area of the body so that, after being properly treated, it can be applied to the labia majora in order to model them.


Reduction of the Mount of Venus

In certain cases there is an increase in volume in the pubic region due to the accumulation of fat in this area, which does not decrease with weight loss. In these cases, the solution goes through a mini liposuction. This is a fairly simple procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia.

Colporrhaphy, Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation

The increase in flaccidity and enlargement of the vaginal canal and consequent decrease in the sensitivity of the vaginal walls is a very common problem, especially in cases of patients who have had multiple deliveries or very prolonged deliveries. These changes cause discomfort and, in many cases, complexes that compromise the woman’s well-being and mental health.

Colporrhaphy, vaginoplasty or vaginal rejuvenation, is surgery designed to promote the tightening effect of the vagina. That is, through this surgery it is possible to reposition the vaginal muscles, giving more firmness to the canal and correcting possible irregularities of the vaginal walls. The surgery is relatively simple and takes about 1 hour and a half to be performed.

Female Intimate Surgery : What else you need to know about surgery

All these surgical procedures treat aesthetic and functional alterations of the vulva and vagina, preserving local sensitivity. The surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia or sedation and without the need for hospitalization as they are simple procedures with a quick recovery.

In the case of labiaplasty, whether on the labia majora or labia minora, the recommendations are simple: rest and local disinfection in the first 48 hours. Clothes should not be tight and you should refrain from sexual intercourse during the first month after surgery. The stitches are absorbable by the body itself.

In the case of the reduction of the Monte de Vénus, the patient leaves with a compression belt that must be used for at least one month. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform a few drainage sessions. In general, the recommendations boil down to rest and local disinfection.

In the case of Vaginoplasty, the patient needs to rest and disinfect the site for at least five days. The sutures are made with absorbable threads and, therefore, spontaneously fall out a few days after the surgery. One month after surgery, the vagina will be sufficiently healed and therefore you will be able to resume sexual activity. The scars are practically imperceptible.

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Duration of procedure

1 to 1 hour and a half

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Type of anesthesia

Local or sedation

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Hospitalization period


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Low period

up to 7 days

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Period without sun exposure

1 month

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Period without physical exercise

2 months

Common questions

The price of Intimate Surgery will vary depending on the aspect you want to treat. Therefore, only after a medical evaluation will it be possible to obtain an adjusted budget for each case.

There is a physical and psychological improvement, as she regains her confidence in herself and her self-esteem. The aesthetic or functional alteration is corrected, preserving one hundred percent sensitivity. The vaginal area gains tone and the discomfort that could exist during sexual activity disappears.

In truth, There is no specific age for the onset of vaginal relaxation. This problem is directly associated with natural childbirth, especially in multiple deliveries or in cases of very long deliveries. Relaxation can also be associated with aging, in the case of older women, or very abrupt weight fluctuations.

Yes, but it takes time for the body to recover from childbirth. After this period it is perfectly possible to perform the surgery.

Between the 7th and 10th day after surgery.

It is necessary to wait between 4 to 6 weeks to have sexual intercourse.

The doctors

Under the direction of plastic surgeons Dr. Fátima Baptista Fernandes and Dr. João Baptista Fernandes, an unavoidable nickname in the specialty in Portugal, the Clinic integrates a team of specialists from the most diverse areas who offer numerous skills related to aesthetic medicine, aesthetic treatments and plastic surgery.

Dr. João Baptista
Dra. Fátima Baptista
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