Keeping the skin young and healthy requires a series of care, including cleaning and exfoliation. In this sense, Peeling is a very important treatment given that the removal of the superficial layers of the skin promotes a deep exfoliation and cell renewal, leaving the skin more permeable to other treatments.
The word peeling derives from the English verb “peel” which translates as: peeling, peeling or peeling. This process consists of the application of acids specially developed for this purpose (salicylic, ferulic, mandelic, retinoic, trichloroacetic, among others) that promote a slight corrosion of the superficial layers of the skin. This corrosion will result in a process of exfoliation or desquamation of cells located on the outermost part of the skin, thus promoting its renewal.
Therefore, the purpose of Peeling is to remove the superficial layers of the skin so that the organism produces new cells and the quality of the skin improves. The results of the Peeling are: reduction of fine wrinkles, reduction of irregularities, reduction of scars and reduction of skin pigmentation disorders, especially brown spots such as melasma or chloasma.
There are at least three types of peels for different purposes. They are:
Light peeling – is indicated for skins that need to promote cell renewal, helping to reduce irregularities, improve skin breathing and reduce blemishes.
Medium peeling – is indicated to improve fine wrinkles, dyschromias (lack or excess of melanin), actinic keratoses (scaly spots) and some acne scars.
Deep peeling – it is the most suitable for improving very aged skin with very deep wrinkles or acne scars and very accentuated blemishes.
Each peeling has a different objective and, therefore, you should always seek a specialist doctor who will indicate which procedure is most suitable for improving the quality of your skin.
In the case of medium or deep peelings, prior skin preparation is necessary. Two weeks before the procedure, specific creams should be applied to regulate the horny layer of the skin, so that when the peeling is carried out, the acid used penetrates the skin evenly.
Before the peeling, the skin is cleaned and disinfected. Then apply the acid corresponding to the type of peeling to be performed. At this point you may experience some discomfort which is completely normal and tolerable. The product will act for a few minutes and will then be neutralized using a soothing and neutralizing cream.
After this process, a substantial layer of sun protection will be applied before going home, where you should not wash your face for at least 12 hours, during which time the product will still be working. The next day you can wash your face and continue with the care indicated by the doctor.
After a few days the skin starts to darken and then peeling starts. This whole process takes about seven days to complete and it is very important that you let it happen without manually interfering. The desquamation must be natural and progressive without any external intervenient.
Cada peeling tem um objetivo distinto e, por isso, deve sempre procurar um médico especialista que indicará qual é o procedimento mais adequado para melhorar a qualidade da sua pele.
No caso de peelings médios ou profundos, é necessária uma preparação prévia da pele. Duas semanas antes do procedimento devem ser aplicados cremes específicos para regular a camada córnea da pele, de forma a que quando o peeling seja realizado, o ácido utilizado penetre uniformemente na pele.
Antes do peeling procede-se à limpeza e desinfecção da pele. A seguir aplica-se o ácido correspondente ao tipo de peeling a realizar. Neste momento pode sentir algum desconforto que é completamente normal e tolerável. O produto ficará a agir por alguns minutos e depois será neutralizado através de um creme calmante e neutralizante.
Após este processo será aplicada uma camada substancial de proteção solar antes de ir para casa, onde deverá ficar sem lavar o rosto por pelo menos 12 horas, período durante o qual o produto ainda estará a fazer efeito. No dia seguinte poderá lavar o rosto e seguir com os cuidados indicados pelo médico.
Após alguns dias a pele começa a escurecer e depois começa a descamação. Este processo todo leva cerca de sete dias até finalizar e é muito importante que o deixe acontecer, sem interferir manualmente. A descamação deve ser natural e progressiva sem nenhum interveniente externo.
All types of peelings require a care routine that, if not taken care of, could compromise the final result of the procedure. It is generally advised to prepare the skin 10 days before the procedure, washing it daily, at night, with soap with glycolic acid. After cleansing, retinol should be applied. If you are going to perform a peeling with the aim of lightening stains, the use of a hydroquinone whitening cream must be combined with retinol to guarantee better results. Retinol and hydroquinone must be discontinued 3 days before performing the peeling.
It is also mandatory to use neutral soaps in the first days after the procedure. In addition, you should avoid sun exposure without protection, giving preference to protectors suitable for sensitive skin. To reduce swelling and burning, cold packs of chamomile tea can help. Any product that causes burning should be avoided within seven to ten days after the peeling.