Throughout the natural aging process, the body decreases the production of the elements responsible for the structure and support of the skin, which results in sagging. This translates into drooping cheekbones, the formation of the Chinese mustache, loss of jaw contour and displacement of fat to the lower area of the face. When this process is in a light or moderate stage, it is possible to promote the restructuring of the face through Tensor Threads.
The application of Tensor Threads is a revolutionary facial rejuvenation aesthetic medicine technique that restores skin firmness, corrects sagging and even promotes collagen biostimulation as the threads are absorbed by the body. That is, the skin is firmer and more structured, not only due to the tension of the threads, but also due to the increase in collagen production.
Tensor threads are divided into two groups: collagen-inducing mini-threads and spiculated traction threads, which in addition to inducing collagen production, reposition tissues that fall under the action of gravity. The mini threads can be single or helical, they are placed subdermally to induce the formation of collagen and fibroblasts in order to redensify the skin. The spiculated traction threads have spicules that provide traction, restoring skin tension.
The material of the threads is polydioxanone, which has been used for many years in cardiac sutures, so it has been proven that it does not produce rejection or allergies, is antimicrobial and is resorbable. The threads, after being applied, produce a small injury to the tissues that causes the production of a support tissue based on collagen and fibroblasts.
The results are progressive and natural and in 3 weeks the effects can be seen, although only after three months the treatment reaches its maximum effect.
It is a very versatile treatment for different applications:
- Disguise wrinkles around the eyes
- lift the cheeks
- Firm the neck area
- improve double chin
- raise your eyebrows
- Improve perioral wrinkles
- Improve facial contour
The application of Tensor threads takes about 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. However, although the process is quite quick and simple, it must be done by a trusted plastic surgeon, as its application requires a refined technique.
Before treatment, the entire area to be treated is cleaned and disinfected. The second step consists of determining the facial zones to be treated. Then the doctor introduces the threads subdermally to induce collagen formation and thus redensify the dermis. The technique differs from patient to patient, depending on age, physiognomy and degree of flaccidity, but, on average, between 10 and 30 threads can be applied in one session.
The application of Tensor threads is a non-surgical aesthetic procedure, performed in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia. The procedure does not produce rejection or allergies and the results are progressive and natural and can last up to a year.
In the post-treatment period, some hematoma caused by the application cannula may appear, but this disappears in a few days. The treated area may also experience some swelling, which disappears within twenty-four hours. To minimize these effects, it is recommended to apply ice or cold compresses during the first few hours in order to reduce inflammation in the area. The duration should be between ten and fifteen minutes, leaving a margin of one hour between each application.
The treated area should not be massaged until at least 1 week after the intervention, and it is preferable not to apply make-up within twenty-four hours after the treatment. Sun exposure should be avoided in the first seven days and physical exercise should be avoided on the day of the procedure. Normal activities can be resumed immediately.